18. The UFO Houses, Taiwan
This collection of solitary houses in Taiwan is also known as Sanzhi Pod City. Originally intended as a vacation resort, these houses were completed in the late 1970s. However, the houses were abandoned in 1980 due to investment losses and several deaths during construction. Many different stories abound regarding the cause of the deaths, with one popular account blaming dissecting a dragon sculpture near the entrance in order to widen the road. In any case, these eye-popping houses were sadly demolished in 2010, to make way for a commercial, seaside resort.
19. House Attack, Austria
This primo installation at the largest art museum in Austria, The Museum Moderner Kunst (MUMOK), conjures the image of a small family home hurtling itself onto the roof. Designed by artist Erwin Wurm, this building is appropriately titled “House Attack”.